Monday, May 19, 2014

Good News and Bad News

So.... our eggs have still not hatched! I came to the school on Saturday and Sunday, they were still sitting quietly. Just when I was about to give up hope, the nice lady from West Knoll Farm told me that she believes they are still growing and should hatch in 3 days. Our Project Based Learning has turned into PROBLEM Based. We believe that the incubator was not hot enough for the eggs to grow at their normal rate. They are developing slower, but hopefully we will have a successful hatch soon!
I saw these three precious ducklings while I was visiting the farm yesterday and Mrs. Amy from West Knoll Farm let me borrow them for a week! The students were so happy to see our ducklings in our back yard. Minnie is the little one, Donald is the biggest with a bright orange bill, and Elvis is starting to grow a 'crest'.

Check back with us soon to see our feathered friends growing and be sure to think of our quiet eggs. We hope they hatch!

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